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Image Map Settings

Click on the Image Map tab to open the Image Map settings form. You can view and change image related settings from this form.

General Tab

Image Map Name: Name of your Image Map file.

Show/Hide Folders (To Save): It will open the option for the folder you want to save the Image Map
too. By default, it will save files at root level of your library.

Folder Path: It will list all folders available in the library. Select the appropriate folder to which you
want to save your Image Maps.

Responsive: When the Image Maps render on a page it will become responsive (It will
automatically catch the height and width depending on the display screen size).

Preserve Quality: To maintain quality when an image becomes responsive.
Width: This option will be available when responsive value is turned off. An Image will render to a
fixed width size.

Height: This option will be available when responsive value is turned off. An Image will render to a fixed height size.

Reset Size: To Reset Size of Image to 1920*1048. Page Load Animation: When the page loads the Image Map will take the animation effect selected. None/ Grow/ Fade. Centre Image Map: To make Image Map centre aligned.

Page Load Animation: When the page loads the Image Map will take the animation effect selected. None/ Grow/ Fade.

Centre Image Map: To make Image Map centre aligned.

Image Tab

Image Source: To select the source of an Image. To get an image from SharePoint select “From
SharePoint” and to get from any other URL select “Custom Image URL”.

Image URL: [Custom Image URL] Enter the URL of an Image from where the image needs to be
loaded from. By default, it shows the selected image’s URL.

Select Image: [From SharePoint] It will list all images available in default Image Maps Images
Picture Library, Select the Image to create an Image Map of your chosen Image.

Browse For Image: [From SharePoint] Browse File button click will open SharePoint Image
selection interface to select from wide variety of options like – Recent, Stock Images, Site, From a


Enable Tooltips: To allow tooltips to render on the Image.

Show Tooltips On: Defines on which action the tooltip will show.

Sticky ToolTips: Sticky tooltip will move with your mouse pointer.

Constrain ToolTips: It will show tooltip at same position even when you move your mouse pointer.

ToolTip Animation: When tooltip will load it will take animation effect selected. None/ Grow/ Fade.

Full Screen ToolTips: When you want to show tooltip in full screen. Never or in mobile device or

Full Screen

Enable Full Screen Mode: To open in full screen mode.

Start in Full Screen Mode: When an Image will render it will render in full screen mode.

Full Screen Background: Sets background colour of any remaining blank space.

Full Screen Button Position: Defines the position where the full screen button (To Go into Full
screen and Close Full Screen mode) will appear.

Button Type: Style of Full Screen Button (Icon/Text/Icon and Text)

Button Colour: Sets full Screen button background colour.

Button Icon/Text Colour: Sets full Screen button text/icon colour.


Enable Zooming: To enable zoom mode for the Image Map.

Max Zoom: To set maximum zoom level.

Limit Max Zoom to Image Size: To set maximum zoom level same as the Image size.

Enable Navigator: To open a small window of your Image to navigate the Image during zooming level.

Enable Zoom buttons: Enables zoom in and zoom out button.


Enable Floors: To create multi floor Image Map.

To add new floor, click on “+” icon available bottom of the floors list panel. Give a name to the floor
and select the image from the ‘ImageMapsImages’ library to render on that floor.

You can choose to show or hide the Floor menu dropdown with the ‘Show Floor Menu’ toggle.
Similar to Create New ImageMap there is option to select Image from default library or Browse
Image from SharePoint interface.

To delete floor, select floor and click on “-“ icon available bottom of the floors list panel. If you are sure, on the confirmation page click “Delete” or “Cancel”.

To move level of floor, select up/down arrows. Down arrow is to move level down and up arrow is to move level up.

To edit floor details, select floor from list and click on “Edit” button.

Once you have enabled floors the Action option of ‘Go To Floor’ will be available for each shape to navigate floors on a shape click.

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