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Shapes Settings


X: Sets X co-ordinates of shape.

Y: Sets Y co-ordinates of shape.

Width: Sets width of shape.

Height: Sets height of shape.

Connected to Shape: To link two different shapes. Select the shape with which you want to connect current shape. It will highlight both shapes at a time.


Click Action: When you click on a shape it will perform this action. Actions allow you to create
supreme navigation on your Image Maps.

No Action: If selected nothing will happen on Shape click.

Link URL: Specify URL of the link that needs to be followed when clicked.

Open link: To open link entered in the link URL section in a same/new window or panel as per

Go To Floor: If selected on shape click, selected it will switch to selected floor.

Open Popup: Provided ‘Page URL’ will open in a popup with animation on shape click.

Page URL: Specify the SharePoint URL that will appear in the Popup when clicked.

Size Type: Choose the size of the Popup as a Percentage or in Pixels.

Width: Specify the width of the Popup as a Percentage or in Pixels (depending on Size

Height: Specify the height of the Popup as a Percentage or in Pixels (depending on Size

Animation: Specify how the Popup should appear and disappear, on close.

Position: Select the position of Popup.

Overlay Click Closes Popup: Specify if clicking on the overly will close the Popup.


Use Icon: To enable use of icon as a tooltip.

Library: To get icons from library. Click on Choose from Library, select the icon which you want to

Custom: To get icons from any other URL, not from your library. Specify the icon URL in the Icon
URL input box.

Icon is a Pin: To show an icon as a Pin. It will show at little height like pinning to an area if selected.
Otherwise it will show at the same point where you placed it.

Icon Shadow: Show icon shadows.

Default Style

Opacity: Sets value of shapes background opacity.

SVG Icon Fill Colour: Sets colour of Icon inserted from library.

Mouseover Style

Copy from Default Styles: Sets same style as default style for the shape when mouse over action
trigger for the shape.

Opacity: Sets value of shapes background opacity to show when mouse over action triggers.

SVG Icon Fill Colour: Sets colour of Icon inserted from library to show when mouse over action


Enable Tooltip: To enable tooltip on shapes click, mouseover or any action.

Border Radius: Sets radius of the tooltip shape.

Padding: Sets the space between content and the border of tooltip.

Background Colour: Sets background colour of the tooltip.

Background Opacity: Sets opacity of the tooltip background.

Position: At which position tooltip should show when it appears.

Auto width: To enable auto width of the tooltip.

ToolTip Content: Defines types of tooltip content. Plain Text or any builder like paragraph, image,
video, heading, video, YouTube or button to show content from SharePoint list item.

ToolTip content

Click on Edit Content Builder, it will open the builder menu to build various types of tooltip content.

Drag and drop any element from Elements tab in container area and set property of it. To set
property of any element in container area and click on Gear Icon which will open settings form.

To add more elements, click on Add Container button from container area. To delete any element,
select element and go to settings form and then click delete button.

Once you are done with building tooltip content close container area which will save your changes.

Plain Text

Tooltip Content: Shows entered text as tooltip content/

From SharePoint

Select List: Select list from which you want to take content for tooltip.

Select Field: Select field which you want to display from selected item as part of tooltip content.

Select Item: Select Item (record) which will be render as text content for tooltip.

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