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Web Part and Image Map Viewer Configuration

Web Part classification and use

Based on the functionality web part is classified as – 1 Image Map Viewer 2 Image Map Editor

Image Map Viewer

The interface which is shown right when Image Map web part is added to the page is Image Map viewer.

Image Map Viewer Configuration

  1. Show/Hide Web part Title – Toggle to show/hide web part title on the page. Web part Title – Title to show on the page.
  2. Retrieve Image Maps From Different Site – Toggle to fetch different site’s image maps on current page. By default it will fetch the current site Image Maps. Image Map Source Site Url – Site Url to fetch Image Map’s from. By default it’s set to the current site Url.
  3. Select Folder – This will list all the folders you created in library including subfolders. Selecting on any folder will list all the image maps file saved under that folder.
  4. Select Image Map Name – Based on selection of the Folder, the saved Image Maps will be populated into the Select Image Maps Name dropdown. Select the required Image Map Name that you would like to render on the page.
  5. Load Selected Image Map – When you click on Load Image Map, it will render the selected Image Map on the page.
  6. Open In Image Map Editor – This will open the selected Image Map loaded into the Image Maps Editor. You can conveniently open, edit and save changes in the Image Maps Editor to reflect in your SharePoint Pages.
  7. Quick Guide – This button click will open the quick demonstration of Image Map Viewer configuration.
  8. Version Detail – Shows the Image Map version. Once you select the required Image Map, Save or Publish the page it will be rendered in place, as displayed in below screenshot

Note: – Avoid using the same Image Map twice or two Image Maps with same name at once.

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